What Does It Mean to Have a Responsive Website?

We bet that you've heard the term responsive come up many times when it comes to discussing websites.

The real question is: Do you know what the term means? We know that many people out there aren't familiar with responsiveness. Today, we will be breaking down what the term means and why it's crucial to have it when it comes to websites.

What Does Responsive Mean?

Responsive means that a website is created to fit the screen of any device such as a computer, mobile device, or tablet.

A website's pages will automatically render to fit the size of the device that your prospects and visitors use to view your website.

Why Is It Important For My Website to Be Responsive?

It's important for your website to be responsive as most of us access the Internet from our fingertips.

While many of us still use laptops and desktop computers to visit websites, many visit them on a mobile device or tablet.

Over 90% of Generation Z and millennials use their mobile devices to access social media platforms. This also applies to these generations when they access websites.

How Streamroll Can Help

At Streamroll, all of our websites are responsive meaning they adjust to fit the screen of the device you're viewing them on. If you're interested in learning more about us and what we do, click here.

If you're looking for a responsive website for your property or management company, please feel free to fill out our contact form here.

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